Take a look at these simple visual checks that could save you and your families’ lives.
Millions of people in the UK expose themselves and their families to potentially fatal electrical accidents in the home by making simple blunders, down to a lack of knowledge about the dangers of electricity.
It is important to make sure that the electrical installation in your property is well maintained, and we recommend that you use a registered electrician to check that it is safe.
However, there are a number of simple, visual checks that you can carry out yourself:
Check in your consumer unit for RCD protection of your circuits
Try not to overload your plug sockets. The fewer things plugged in to each socket the better. Some things such as heaters, radiators and microwaves should be plugged in directly to a socket due to the high wattage in use.
Check that plugs and sockets are not showing signs of damage. Replace them as soon as you can.
Check the cables and leads you can see are in good condition – not showing signs of wear and heat damage for example.
Check light fittings have not been physically damaged by heat or wear and that downlights are in good condition.
Check that combustible materials are not being kept close to your consumer unit, electricity meter or electrical intake.
The top of the microwave can become hot as cooking fumes often vent out there. Don’t block this by using it for extra storage.
Do not run cables under your carpets or rugs
Bathrooms should never have mains-powered electrical items in them. Remember electricity and water do not mix.
When your electrical devices are not being used always switch them off. Its saves money and prevents overheating and fires.
For more information go to https://www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk/guidance/safety-around-the-home/visual-checks/?fbclid=IwAR0VXMkmQiDs1qf-Y9gWb_njWkFLIT_k_1f3cYN9XJ9hjBOqzGdFiDAEDIA
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